Sunday, February 20, 2011

blah blah blah

I always think that I'll get a moment to catch my breath and relax and those moments seem to be very few and far between. work has kept me chained to my desk for the past year - that and being a single parent. there are days when it just drives me nuts - I wouldn't trade him for anything, but it's hard being the only one and having everything depend on you. get up before dawn, get him out of the house to school, go to work and work hard, pick him up and then do dinner, tub time, homework, and bedtime that's not too late. then try and do some cleaning/dishes/laundry...whatever seems to be calling my name the most that day. some days just seem to be longer and lonelier than most. and half the time I wonder if this is going to be my schedule for the next 15 years or so. you look for the good moments but sometimes you just can't help looking into the future or what you think the future will be and you wonder if the path will veer at all or just stretch out before you like a never ending groundhog day. at the end of the day, you just really want to see some sun. or at least a shadow of some sun. ;)

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