Sunday, May 3, 2009


so i wandered past my blog...after months of ignoring it and doing the work thing. it's not a bad thing, per say. between work and the kid, i just don't get much time to myself or for anything else. yep, i have no life. and when i actually do get a bit of a life, what do i do?? go to a NVAH meeting. what is NVAH, you ask? that would be the northern virginia history group that i'm a part of. so now you all want to sign up, right? no? my guess is that right now you're probably thinking, "they have a group for that?" and then the next thing that crosses your mind is "why would anyone willingly join that?" well, big sis asked me if i wanted to - we've both got history degrees - and i thought it would be a fun way to spend time with her (between the two of us and all our kids, we rarely get a chance to hang out). our annual meeting was yesterday and shawna had to prepare the food and i helped her set up. everything went so poorly that it was almost funny. almost - 'cause of course we had to sit thru everything. the location was kind of dumpy - clean but old and off the beaten path. the food was ok (cause shawna handled that) but the president of the group couldn't even be bothered to show up - along with a host of other people that should have been there. the speaker didn't know he was going to be speaking - which i kind of gathered by his impromptu talk that really didn't have a point - i kept listening and wondered when he would get away from discussing history in general and get into something more specific - some history event - something. never happened. and then when we had to clean up - all the guys who could have helped...just stood and watched or raced out the door so they wouldn't have to help. yeah, sad to say, but i think chivalry is really dead. and by "could have helped," i mean the ones that wouldn't have ended up in the hospital from trying to lift a chair. the median age for the group is like 80, i think. so why hasn't this group died out yet? i honestly couldn't tell you. they serve no purpose and when you try to give them one, some members nix your ideas so you're stuck participating in a group that really doesn't do anything. kind of funny. so that's what i did with my free time on saturday. i love my sister - i really do. and if she has any doubts, she just has to note my participation at yesterday's meeting. ;)

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