Sunday, February 20, 2011

blah blah blah

I always think that I'll get a moment to catch my breath and relax and those moments seem to be very few and far between. work has kept me chained to my desk for the past year - that and being a single parent. there are days when it just drives me nuts - I wouldn't trade him for anything, but it's hard being the only one and having everything depend on you. get up before dawn, get him out of the house to school, go to work and work hard, pick him up and then do dinner, tub time, homework, and bedtime that's not too late. then try and do some cleaning/dishes/laundry...whatever seems to be calling my name the most that day. some days just seem to be longer and lonelier than most. and half the time I wonder if this is going to be my schedule for the next 15 years or so. you look for the good moments but sometimes you just can't help looking into the future or what you think the future will be and you wonder if the path will veer at all or just stretch out before you like a never ending groundhog day. at the end of the day, you just really want to see some sun. or at least a shadow of some sun. ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tweaking again

Can't figure out if I like this new design. It's kind of cool even if I'm laughing at myself for putting a map on my blog. ha. like I have time to travel. ;) who has time to travel with so much work going on and a kid in first grade? I come home from work and then it starts all over - how is it that suddenly my son isn't the only one with homework? His homework has become my homework as we complete the nightly ritual of my son trying to avoid spelling (he actually likes math - such a boy and not my child) and me gently (ha!) redirecting him back to his spelling notebook to complete his daily torture. I don't think I can go thru all 12 years again while working 10 hours a day. I'm so happy it's Thursday. I live for the weekends now (even if I am working thru them).

Sunday, May 17, 2009

spring cleaning

So instead of cleaning up the home like i should be doing, i'm here playing with my blog and sprucing it up instead. :) not that anyone but me reads this, but i find it more pleasing now. good music pops up...i get quotes in portuguese every day...does it get any better than that? i don't really know what i'm doing up at 12:30 at night tweaking a blog that no one reads. must be my creativity trying to get out somehow seeing as how i stifle it every day at work. i miss writing. i even miss writing papers and learning new things that had absolutely nothing to do with contracts. i think i miss having a life most. it's work, then kid...then dinner...then cleaning...then bed...wash and repeat. what a cycle. i need to start writing again.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


so i wandered past my blog...after months of ignoring it and doing the work thing. it's not a bad thing, per say. between work and the kid, i just don't get much time to myself or for anything else. yep, i have no life. and when i actually do get a bit of a life, what do i do?? go to a NVAH meeting. what is NVAH, you ask? that would be the northern virginia history group that i'm a part of. so now you all want to sign up, right? no? my guess is that right now you're probably thinking, "they have a group for that?" and then the next thing that crosses your mind is "why would anyone willingly join that?" well, big sis asked me if i wanted to - we've both got history degrees - and i thought it would be a fun way to spend time with her (between the two of us and all our kids, we rarely get a chance to hang out). our annual meeting was yesterday and shawna had to prepare the food and i helped her set up. everything went so poorly that it was almost funny. almost - 'cause of course we had to sit thru everything. the location was kind of dumpy - clean but old and off the beaten path. the food was ok (cause shawna handled that) but the president of the group couldn't even be bothered to show up - along with a host of other people that should have been there. the speaker didn't know he was going to be speaking - which i kind of gathered by his impromptu talk that really didn't have a point - i kept listening and wondered when he would get away from discussing history in general and get into something more specific - some history event - something. never happened. and then when we had to clean up - all the guys who could have helped...just stood and watched or raced out the door so they wouldn't have to help. yeah, sad to say, but i think chivalry is really dead. and by "could have helped," i mean the ones that wouldn't have ended up in the hospital from trying to lift a chair. the median age for the group is like 80, i think. so why hasn't this group died out yet? i honestly couldn't tell you. they serve no purpose and when you try to give them one, some members nix your ideas so you're stuck participating in a group that really doesn't do anything. kind of funny. so that's what i did with my free time on saturday. i love my sister - i really do. and if she has any doubts, she just has to note my participation at yesterday's meeting. ;)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Xmas to Me!!!!!

Hello, just dropping a happy note for me. My divorce has come thru and i have sole legal and physical custody of my son. :) what a great way to end the year!!! i realize that some people might have a problem with this post, but believe me, the divorce and custody arrangement is a great thing. Apparently it was finalized on December 1st, but the retards in my attorney's office got the paperwork and then forgot to tell my attorney that they had picked it up from the court. so he randomly called the court for a status update on the paperwork and found out it had been signed on 1 December. can i say that i got the only thing i really wanted for xmas?! how cool is that?

Friday, October 24, 2008

oh let me count the ways...

in which i am a bad mom??? wow...there are so many to choose from. i probably let him have way more junk food than he should. and goodness knows he doesn't have as early a bedtime as he should. sue me. but when i got to school to pick him up yesterday, the teacher took me aside and told me she'd had a talk with vanni about using words that work. apparently, some kid pushed him and my son called him an idiot. call me crazy, but this could have gone so many other ways - and so much worse (in my humble opinion). let's look at the other ways, shall we? he could have pushed the other kid back. he could have punched the other kid. He could have called him something much worse than an idiot. ok, so maybe i'm enabling here. cause of course i know he got that from me and dealing with all the stupid "idiot" drivers here in the area. but my diatribe against all the idiots driving in this area will have to wait for another time (i promise it will be a good one). but really, in the overall scheme of things, was it really that bad??? i mean, i'm glad my kid stuck up for himself. i'm glad he wasn't violent about it. and i'm really glad the worst he could come up with was idiot. does that make me a bad mom? probably, huh? oh well. like i could always be worse!