Friday, October 24, 2008

oh let me count the ways...

in which i am a bad mom??? wow...there are so many to choose from. i probably let him have way more junk food than he should. and goodness knows he doesn't have as early a bedtime as he should. sue me. but when i got to school to pick him up yesterday, the teacher took me aside and told me she'd had a talk with vanni about using words that work. apparently, some kid pushed him and my son called him an idiot. call me crazy, but this could have gone so many other ways - and so much worse (in my humble opinion). let's look at the other ways, shall we? he could have pushed the other kid back. he could have punched the other kid. He could have called him something much worse than an idiot. ok, so maybe i'm enabling here. cause of course i know he got that from me and dealing with all the stupid "idiot" drivers here in the area. but my diatribe against all the idiots driving in this area will have to wait for another time (i promise it will be a good one). but really, in the overall scheme of things, was it really that bad??? i mean, i'm glad my kid stuck up for himself. i'm glad he wasn't violent about it. and i'm really glad the worst he could come up with was idiot. does that make me a bad mom? probably, huh? oh well. like i could always be worse!